an innovative


architecture studio

New Homes & Passivhaus

We believe great home design is not only about looks, but how it feels, the structural form, its functionality, minimising its impact on the environment, and maximising fresh air and natural light. We aspire to make your home a beautiful, functional, healthy place where you can live, work, relax and enjoy every day.

Passivhaus (passive house) is a specialist technical standard by which houses are designed to achieve the best possible energy and health performance. Incredibly, passivhaus performance can provide a 90% improvement over UK building regulations for energy-use, as well as significant health benefits such as fresh filtered air, temperature control and quality natural lighting.

As chartered architects and certified passivhaus designers, we tailor our services so they are bespoke for you and your project. If you want full certification or just lower energy bills, we can deliver it. Our homes, now more than ever, play an integral role in our physical and mental wellbeing. We have the specialist knowledge and skills to help you live a sustainable, healthy and enriched life through great design.

chartered architects

project managers

engineers, academics

passivhaus designers

and low-carbon specialists

At rock we believe that every project is unique. With a focus on quality and the environment, we work with clients to create distinctive buildings and spaces.

our work

Our expertise covers a range of disciplines, from architecture and project management to joinery and passivhaus. This ensures that we are able to act as one point of contact throughout the entire process of design and construction.

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